Info about revlo & giveaways

As much fun as it is doing giveaways it is taking too much of my time. Streaming is becoming a project instead of just having fun and focus on the stream itself. That’s why I decided I will likely dismantle the Revlo shop from the beginning of June. Streaming is not a full time job for me as it may be for other streamers and I do have a “real” job I need to take care of + a family with young children. Streaming should be fun, not associated with must do’s. That’s why I don’t even stream with a schedule anymore. Stuff like that kills my creativity and passion.

I’d also like to try and focus on doing fewer, but bigger and better giveaways when I can instead of all these smaller ones. Maybe do some juicy cash giveaways when cashing out big and so on. It’s really hard to have a standing cash giveaway such as the CashWheel© when one doesn’t really know how the month is going to turn out in terms of signups and the gambling itself. To be honest slots have been cold and at the moment I need every penny to invest into the stream. It sucks, but it’s reality. I love to share however and will do so whenever I am able to.

I’d also like to think that most of my viewers are watching for the entertainment and social interaction. If not and if it turns out most are there for the giveaways, well then I have led my stream into the wrong direction anyways and I would need to reboot. I know speaking for myself, my favorite streams are not the ones doing regular giveaways but actually the ones doing the fewest and just focusing on the slots and not all the bling bling bullshit if that makes any sense at all lol.

I also have other projects I would like to pursue. For example it would be great fun if we could get forum going. I know there already are other forums out there but they are really focused on shoving more advertising in your face and kind of run from a business perspective. I’d like to do the opposite and get a community going for true gambling enthusiasts without playing into the hands of the casino industry be it casinos themselves or affiliates. My agenda is neither to use it as a platform to advertise myself. Let’s run it together!

UPDATE: as it seems now the Cash Wheel and Free Spin redeems will stay until further notice.

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