I’d like to think I’m quite a responsible gambler. I’ve been playing for over 2 years now, which is not a long time when put in perspective maybe, but I have still managed to stay on reasonable low bets.
When I started streaming about 1 year ago I was doing 0.30-0.60€ bets and on Dead or Alive I was on 0.09-0.18€ bets. Going above that was a big deal and interestingly enough my channel was going really strong despite the low bets.
A lot has changed since then. I’ve become quite an experienced slot player and I don’t regard slots as magical as I did in the beginning. Now it’s more about grinding and mathematical calculations. The bets I usually do today are somewhere between 0.90-1.20€ bets, but I’ll do anything from 2-4€ bets on occasions, even though it’s quite rare.
I’ve been getting a lot of positive feedback on my betsize and people sometimes seem to think I do this to display and promote responsible gambling on stream, but the fact of the matter is that it simply is the way I play. It doesn’t differ very much from my off stream sessions even though I tilt more easily off stream.
So, all in all I like to think of myself as a responsible gambler but I do struggle sometimes to tell where the line goes. When does it really become a problem? How do I know I don’t already have a problem? Would I ever manage to simply stop streaming and stay away from slots? If not, well then that must certainly be a problem?
I do remember nigths when I’ve told myself to not do another deposit and I still end up doing not only one more, but two more. A very dangerous mentality is when you start chasing losses which can make it so hard to walk away from slots. As losses grow, you seem to raise bets as well thinking you need a massive hit to recover from previous losses.
It’s so important with dicipline. If you don’t have dicipline it might already be a problem for you.
There are a few simple rules I believe are important to remember:
The most important one is obviously to never gamble with money you cannot afford to lose! If you lose money you were supposed to pay bills with or buy food then that directly indicates a serious problem and you should probably stop playing all together.
It’s probably also never a good idea to play when depressed or when you’re drunk (especially if you loss control when drinking). Gambling addiction is not very different from other addictions really, such as drugs, sex and food. The basics of it is that it triggers your dopamin levels and you keep chasing those kicks time after time.
Some claim that watching streamers is helping them to stay away from slots, that they kind of get their kicks from watching others play. If it works for you, then all good! But personally I think it’s best just to quit cold turkey if you have a serious problem. The need to watch casino streams could also indicate that you cannot fully stay away and the risk is it might trigger you again. In fact, best would be to avoid big win threads and all of that.
I just want you guys to be careful and to understand that gambling can be a real hazard. People have lost homes and families over gambling and some even killed themselves.
Be safe.
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